The office of the Custodian of Enemy Property for India, worked under the aegis of the Ministry of Commerce upto October 1969. Subsequently from October 1969 to February, 1973, the department was functioning under the supervision of Ministry of Foreign Trade and from March, 1973 to June, 2007 under the Ministry of Commerce Industry. Thereafter, it was transferred to Ministry of Home Affairs by a Presidential Notification dated 28th June, 2007.
  • Presently, the Office of the CEPI is a statutory authority under the provisions of the Enemy Property Act, 1968 for preservation, management, control and selling enemy properties which have been declared as Enemy Property and are vested in the Custodian of Enemy Property for India vide Government of India dated 10.09.1965. 
  • The Enemy Property Act 1968, amended from time to time, governs the vesting, preservation, management, control, sale, transfer of rights, disposal and other forms of usage of Enemy Property. The Enemy Property Act, 1968 empowers the Custodian of Enemy Property for India to continue to hold such property that vests in him including the rights, title, interest and benefits arising out of such property.